Welcome to PORT-53.INFO

Based at Tsinghua University, we are a research team with particular interests in DNS and measurement-oriented topics. On this page, we maintain a collection of useful DNS material, measurement reports, and up-to-date datasets extended from our publications and ongoing works.

Our team members

  • Chaoyi Lu, postdoctoral researcher, Tsinghua University
  • Baojun Liu, assistant professor, Tsinghua University
  • Haixin Duan, professor, Tsinghua University
  • Yunpeng Xing, master student, Tsinghua University
  • Wei Xu, master student, Tsinghua University
  • Ruixuan Li, master student, Zhejiang Gongshang University
  • Junzhe Sun, undergraduate student, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
  • Jiasheng Huang, undergraduate student, Tsinghua University


  • [Jun 2024] Topic-oriented repository of DNS-related RFCs updated.
  • [Apr 2024] Monthly scan results of open encrypted DNS servers updated.
  • [Nov 2023] New data available: monthly scan results of open encrypted DNS servers.
  • [Nov 2023] New material available: topic-oriented repository of DNS-related RFCs.
  • [Nov 2023] Our website is on!

(Last modified: Jun 17, 2024)